I'm next to an effeminent gentleman. He is very fashion concious and looks nice and well done up with fitted clothes and hair that recieves a lot of attention. All this would be unremarkable, except he looks just like a mom from my neighborhood growing up. He doesn't look like a general mom mind you, he looks just like this specific mom. Just like her. Not like a relation, like her, I mean exactly. I expect him to pick up a tray of dixie cups full of koolaid and ask me to stay for dinner. His voice is the same too. God I hated her voice. It was this horrible scratchy voice that would say nice things, but sounded like it was saying mean things. It was very confusing. Now she is here, but she is a he, and not really her. I'm glad i don't have to interact with this guy. I would totally slip up and call him Mrs. Gluvna. He is probably pretty nice though.
Overthinking the strangers I see. Updates most Tuesdays and Thursdays.